Sunday, August 29, 2010

Towards Personal Learning

As we enter deeper into networked, knowledge-intense world, each one of us need to develop unique individual approach towards acquiring and harnessing knowledge towards our individual and institutional goals. This is driven by individual initiative and hence may be called “Personal Learning”

There is nothing surprising nor does novelty in this new need thrust upon us. Historically changing times have always demanded new approaches towards maintaining and sustaining one’s welfare: the state of faring well or doing well in all spheres concerned to her or him. Each sphere of life demands a new approach that is in tune with times and possibilities. For instance, as human society moved from predominantly agrarian mode to industrial state, it freed people from their family professions and localities and forced them to plan for everything they need in newer places, stations and positions in life. Needs for money was met through personal finances or personal investments, housing needs were realized through housing schemes or loans and so on. As education is becoming a general necessity we see banks offering “personal educational loans”.
But one more pressing need that is often ignored is acquiring new knowledge for newer position or progress. As we move from a formal educational mode that “taught you for life” to informal educational opportunities of “life long learning” there is new demand on individuals. This new need is concerned about gaining knowledge by self-initiated approaches. This is called “personal learning”. It is a process of   identifying sources and connections on the network that update him with new knowledge and information.  

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